Results of the call for the award of additional funds for the implementation of existing projects under the under the Local Development and Inclusion Programme (LDIDP)


On 26 June 2023 the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic as the Programme Operator of the programme „Local development, poverty reduction and Roma inclusion“, implemented within Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, made a Decision on the award of grants (decision on which projects shall be supported) for the call LDIDP.

The call was launched on 28 April 2023 and it was dedicated to support already contracted and implemented projects with additional funds. The call closure was on 31 May 2023. Altogether 5 applications for additional funding were submitted in amount of €1,227,548.

A total of 4 projects implemented within the LDI01 call and 1 project implemented within the LDI02 call will be supported within the LDIDP call in the amount of €561,681.

The results of the call can be found here: